Year 2021 / Volume 28 / Number 3


Epidemiological profile of pain secondary to moderate diabetic peripheral neuropathy

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2021; 28(2): 129-136 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2021.3826/2020

Paola Berenice Zavala, Enrique Villarreal, Emma Rosa Vargas, Liliana Galicia, Catalina Lara


Background and objective: Diabetic neuropathy is a complication of type 2 diabetes, it´s present in 95 % of patients, affecting the individual, family and social environment. The objective is to identify the epidemiological profile of pain secondary to moderate diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study of pain using as a source of information the patient with moderate peripheral neuropathy secondary to type 2 diabetes. The severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy was established with the Michigan scale. The sample size was 145 patients. The epidemiological profile of pain evaluated with the McGill multidimensional questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha 0.88; it is assesses the intensity of pain in three independent categories (total pain assessment index [sensory, affective and evolutionary dimension], overall total intensity and current total intensity) and within each of them identifies the specific characteristics of pain. Statistical analysis included means, standard deviation, confidence interval for means, and percentages.
Results: Total pain assessment index 9.74 ± 1.40 (95 % CI; 9.51-9.97), sensory dimension 5.02 ± 0.84 (95 % CI; 4.88-5.16), affective dimension 3.75 ± 0.94 (95 % CI; 3.59-3.90), and evolutionary dimension 0.96 ± 0.18 (95 % CI; 0.93-1.00). Specific characteristics of the total pain assessment Index identify shaking 35.2 %, burning 31.0 %, suffocating 40.0 %, exhausting 33.1 %, depressing 29.7 % and constant 35.2 %. Total general intensity of pain 7.70 ± 1.29 (95 % CI;7.49-7.91). Current total intensity 40.7 % "intense".
Conclusion: The epidemiological profile of pain is of high intensity, burning, penetrating, fixed or diffuse, accompanied by generally constant itching, with negative emotional repercussions, including feelings of anxiety, secondary to depressing, exhausting, suffocating and mortifying pain.


Antecedentes y objetivo: La neuropatía diabética es una complicación de la diabetes tipo 2. Afecta el entorno individual, familiar y social. El objetivo es identificar el perfil epidemiológico del dolor secundario a neuropatía periférica moderada diabética.
Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo del dolor utilizando como fuente de información el paciente con neuropatía periférica moderada secundaria a diabetes tipo 2. La severidad de la neuropatía periférica diabética fue establecida con la escala de Michigan. El tamaño de la muestra fue 145. El perfil epidemiológico del dolor evaluado con el cuestionario multidimensional de McGill, alfa de Cronbach de 0,88, evalúa la intensidad de dolor en tres categorías independientes (índice de valoración total -dimensión sensorial, afectiva y evolutiva-, intensidad total general e intensidad total actual) y al interior identifica las características específicas del dolor. El análisis estadístico incluyó promedios, desviación estándar, intervalo de confianza para promedios y porcentajes.
Resultados: Índice de valoración total de dolor 9,74 ± 1,40 (IC 95 %; 9,51-9,97), dimensión sensorial 5,02 ± 0,84 (IC 95 %; 4,88-5,16), dimensión afectiva 3,75 ± 0,94 (IC 95 %; 3,59-3,90) y dimensión evolutiva 0,96 ± 0,18 (IC 95 %; 0,93-1,00). Las características de la valoración total de dolor identifican sacudida 35,2 %, ardiente/quemante 31,0 %, sofocante 40,0 %, agotador 33,1 %, deprimente 29,7 % y constante 35,2 %. Intensidad total general de dolor 7,70 ± 1,29 (IC 95 %; 7,49-7,91). Intensidad total actual 40,7 % “intenso”.
Conclusión: El perfil epidemiológico del dolor es de intensidad elevada, quemante, penetrante, tirante fijo o difuso, acompañado de picor generalmente constante, con repercusión emocional negativa, entre ellas sentimiento de ansiedad, secundario a dolor deprimente, agotador, sofocante y mortificante.

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Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(5): 329-331 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3816/2020

School of non-oncologic chronic pain patients and opioid treatment

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(5): 324-328 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3804/2020

Opioid misuse in patients with cancer pain: an integrative systematic review of the literature

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(5): 306-315 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3801/2020

Therapeutic failure of the lumbar medial branch block and its relation to obesity. Retrospective cohort study

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Identification of signs and symptoms for the diagnosis of discogenic low back pain: mapping review

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Efficacy of lidocaine perfusions in fibromyalgia: a prospective cohort study

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Back to the future in the treatment of postoperative acute pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(5): 285-286 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3850/2020

Temporary peripheral nerve stimulation in cancer pain: opportunity options

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(5): 283-284 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3849/2020

Facings with discogenic pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(5): 281-282 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3848/2020

Pain: a "hotchpotch"

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(4): 278-280 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2016.3507/2016

Splanchnic nerve block for the treatment of benign chronic abdominal pain. a case report and literature review

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Clinical pathophysiology in patients with sickle cell disease: the transition from acute to chronic pain

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Gender determinants in the approach to chronic pain

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Incidence of postmastectomy pain syndrome. Retrospective analysis

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(4): 246-251 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3797/2020

Sociodemographic and clinical characterization in patients with chronic back pain, Cienfuegos 2019

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(4): 239-245 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3798/2020

Spinal cord stimulation. Analysis of the diagnostic indications

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(4): 234-238 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3777/2019

Updated version of the IASP definition of pain: one step forward or one step back

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(4): 232-233 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3839/2020

Metamizole as an immunomodulator in neuropathic pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(4): 230-231 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3838/2020

Suboccipital decompression as an alternative in the treatment of pain secundary to occipital neuralgia: a case series

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Symptomatic treatment for migraña. Drugs used and related variables. Results of the european survey on work and migraine

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Drug consumption used for musculoskeletal pain treatment in a cohort of blue-collar workers in Zaragoza (Spain)

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(3): 150-159 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3749/2019

The pandemic that surprised us and has altered the care of patients with pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(3): 148-149 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3820/2020

The Pain Units in the COVID-19 era

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(3): 143-145 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3823/2020

Erector spinalis plane block as a neuropathic pain management in post-burned pediatric patient

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(2): 127-132 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3776/2019

Management of breakthrough pain associated with the cure of skin ulcers

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(2): 113-126 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3755/2019

Ethical problems in the management of pain. Qualitative study through open reflection interview

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(2): 89-96 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3729/2019

Altruistic conduct: a behavioral strategy to decrease the perception of pain?

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COVID-19 coronavirus and chronic pain: uncertainties

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(2): 72-73 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3808/2020

The ozone paradigm in pain treatment

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(2): 69-71 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3807/2020

Conventional radiofrequency for genicular nerves in treatment of knee osteoarthritis

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(1): 59-60 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2016.3515/2016

Review of the impact of acupuncture treatment on the management of nonspecific low back pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(1): 53-58 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3762/2019

Effectiveness of the association of lacosamide in trigeminal neuralgia

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(1): 50-52 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3738/2019

Peripheral acting Mu opioid receptor antagonists in the treatment of the opioid-induced constipation: review

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(1): 37-49 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3717/2018

Effectiveness of patient-controlled analgesia in acute and chronic pain after cardiac surgery: a prospective study

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(1): 24-36 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3747/2019

Efficacy of pregabalin, gabapentin and duloxetine in neuropathic pain verified by the p-curve analysis

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(1): 16-23 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3727/2019

Spinal stimulation modulated automatically. Evidence of closed stimulation systems: towards the pain pacemaker

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(1): 5-6 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3793/2020

News in the treatment of back pain: are the future cell therapies?

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2020; 27(1): 3-4 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2020.3792/2020

Considerations for the use of evidence-based practice in the management of people with pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(6): 374-375 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3712/2018

Intratecal baclophene for the treatment of pain and spasticity in stiff man syndrome: a case report

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(6): 368-371 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3745/2019

Key factors governing spinal cord opioid bioavailability in the management of acute pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(6): 359-367 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3737/2019

Neurolytic procedures for pancreatic cáncer pain: a systematic review and a proposal for an algorithm treatment

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(6): 342-358 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3715/2018

Correlation between pain and radiological parameters in patients older than 60 years of age with distal radius fracture

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(6): 324-330 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3720/2018

Connexins in chronic pain. A new target?

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(6): 322-323 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3785/2019

Celiac axis block in cancer pain: medicine of opportunity

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(6): 317-319 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3787/2019

Pyoderma gangrenosum, undocumented complication of a spinal cord stimulation

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(5): 309-312 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3725/2019

New strategies for postoperative pain control in tonsillectomy surgery. Is all that glitters gold?

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(5): 270-275 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3742/2019

The use of new technologies in patients with chronic pain. A reality that cannot be denied

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Epidural injections: caudal, interlaminar or transforaminal. More than a shot

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(5): 255-258 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3764/2019

New ACP guidelines for non-radicular low back pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(4): 254-254 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3590/2017

Painful diabetic foot ulcer amputation avoided thanks to topical sevoflurane

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(4): 253-253 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3683/2018

NMDA antagonism in the treatment of cluster headache

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(4): 247-250 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3710/2018

Orofacial pain in the dental clinic

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(4): 233-242 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3724/2019

Characterization of pain in patients with breast cancer attending the Oncology Unit of the San José Hospital

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(4): 221-226 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3692/2018

Comparative analysis of vital signs in acutely hospitalized patients according to the pain intensity

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(4): 215-220 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3707/2018

The new international classification of diseases (ICD-11) and chronic pain. Pragmatical implications

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(4): 209-210 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3752/2019

Manual therapy, a double-edged weapon in the management of chronic pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(3): 206-207 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3675/2018

Opioid tapering may improve outcomes for chronic pain patients

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(3): 204-205 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3615/2017

Body pain, ethics and empathy: Utopia in the time of the mediate?

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(3): 203-203 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3599/2017

Erector spinae plane block for multiple unilateral ribs fractures.

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(3): 199-202 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3687/2018

Pain in Parkinson's disease. A look at a little known aspect of this pathology

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(3): 184-198 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3733/2019

Information and communication technologies applied among medical professionals who perform pain treatment

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Optimization of postoperative pain management based on a new technological tool. Pain map

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(3): 154-165 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3696/2018

Sublingual fentanyl for the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain during allergic reactions to chemotherapy infusion

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Recent advances in the use of light in pain research. Implications in physiology and pharmacology

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(3): 146-147 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3743/2019

Evidence and foresight of ultrasound-guided blocks for the painful shoulder

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(3): 144-145 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3741/2019

Top 10 bioethical issues in pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(2): 130-130 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3694/2018

Pulsed radiofrequency treatment in the neuropathy of the pudendal nerve: report of a case

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(2): 128-129 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2016.3517/2016

Does pregabalin is a safe drug? Heart failure associated with pregabalin

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Motor block after caudal epidural infiltration: a case report

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(2): 120-123 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3669/2018

Myofascial pain syndrome as a cause of postoperative acute pain in hip surgery

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(2): 117-119 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3655/2018

Fast opioid detoxification

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(2): 95-102 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3681/2018

Dry needling and changes in muscular activity in subjects with myphastial trigger points: case series

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(2): 89-94 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3677/2018

Effectiveness of hand crossing to produce analgesia in patients with chronic pain of the upper limb

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(2): 81-88 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3674/2018

Epidural steroids in lumbar radicular pain: particulate vs. non-particulate. This is the question

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(2): 70-71 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3735/2019

Opioids and addiction in chronic pain: is it a problem?, how to address it?

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(2): 65-67 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3736/2019

New indication of capsaicin 8 % patch: painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(1): 60-61 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3556/2016

Oxytocin and chronic pain in humans

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(1): 52-58 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3664/2018

Influence of psychosocial factors in the experience of musculoskeletal pain: a literatura review

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(1): 44-51 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3679/2018

Project adapta: adequacy of treatment in breakthrough cancer pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(1): 31-43 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3661/2018

Psychosocial factors in chronic cancer pain: a Delphi study

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(1): 21-30 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3658/2018

Micro RNAs: A new way for the management of neuropathic pain?

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2019; 26(1): 2-3 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2019.3730/2019

Academic University training program of the Spanish Pain Society

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(6): 368-368

ACNES as a cause of chronic abdominal pain

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(6): 360-361 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3530/2016

Dysphonia as side-effect dose-dependent during treatment with duloxetine

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(6): 359-359 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3528/2016

Evidence-based recommendations for the management of neuropathic pain (review of the literature)

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(6): 349-358 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3673/2018

Changes in intraocular pressure in patients with trigeminal neuralgia subject to radio frequency of the Gasserian ganglion

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(6): 342-348 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3657/2018

Opinaudit study: clinical uses in breakthrough pain, is scientific evidence being followed up?

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(6): 325-334 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3634/2017

Use of major opioids for control of pain in hospitalized patients

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(6): 318-324 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3629/2017

Proctalgia and pudendal nerve entrapment: an association to know

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(6): 311-317 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3623/2017

Consensus for the definition of post-mastectomy pain syndrome

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(5): 305-306 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2016.3510/2016

Radiofrequency thermal and splanchnics nerves block

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(5): 303-304 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2016.3509/2016

Implications of bioethics in the treatment of chronic pain: the change of paradigms

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Farmacologic adyuvants with saving effect of opioids in the perioperative period

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(5): 278-290 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3663/2018

Experience in two hospitals about the observation of pain responses in hospitalized preterm infants

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(5): 271-277 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3633/2017

Platelet-rich plasma in treating peripheral neuropathic pain. Preliminary report

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(5): 263-270 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3625/2017

Pain in the elderly and in patients with cognitive deficit. A DELPHI study

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2018; 25(5): 251-262 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3621/2017

Chrono study: prevalence of breakthrough pain among patients with non-cancer chronic pain in Andalusia, Spain

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2018; 25(4): 214-221 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3626/2017

Expenditure, prescription and consumption of analgesic drugs before and during the economic crisis

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Sex and pain: sexual satisfaction and sexual function in a sample of patients with chronic, non-pelvic pain

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2018; 25(3): 145-154 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3600/2017

Bibliometric analysis of the Journal of the Spanish Pain Society: 2007-2016

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2018; 25(3):170-177 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2018.3627/2017

Painometer v2®: a mobile application certified for monitoring patients with pain

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2018; 25(2):112-120 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3555/2016

Analgesic efficacy of topical sevoflurane on wounds

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2018; 25(2): 106-111 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3617/2017

Potential uses of Mirtazapine in palliative care beyond its antidepressant effect

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2018; 25(1): 37-44 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3575/2017

Epidural analgesia vs. surgical wound analgesia to control acute post-operative pain in open colon surgery

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2017; 24(5): 234-240 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3559/2016

Chronic pain: relationship with prefrontal symptoms and perceived stress

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The effectiveness of electrical spinal-cord stimulation in type i complex regional pain syndrome. A literature review

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Control of symptoms in terminally ill patients: effectiveness of opioid treatment for breakthrough dyspnea

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Paxiflas®: new FDT combination of tramadol/paracetamol for treating moderate to severe pain

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Prevalence of breakthrough pain associated with chronic low back pain in Andalusia (COLUMBUS study)

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2017; 24(3):116-124 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3548/2016

Factors associated with pain intensity in Mexican patients hospitalized in postoperative period

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2017; 24(1): 4-10 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2016.3442/2016

Instrucciones para citar

Zavala P, Villarreal E, Vargas E, Galicia L, Lara C. Epidemiological profile of pain secondary to moderate diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2021; 28(2): 129-136 / DOI: 1020986/resed20213826/2020

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ISSN: 1134-8046   e-ISSN: 2254-6189

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