Year 2021 / Volume 28 / Supplement 1

Article Osteoarthritis Monographic

Intra-articular botulinum toxin and ozone in osteoarthritis

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2021; 28(13): 73-79 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2021.3857/2020

Daniel Samper


Osteoarthritis pain continues to be one of the main causes of medical visit due to the insufficient efficacy of established treatments, therefore, the need arises to search for new therapies that improve the analgesic response.
Intra-articular injection of botulinum toxin and/or medicinal ozone are two of the new options to consider in this pathology.
We develop in this chapter a review of the management of these two analgesic options.


El dolor por osteoartrosis continúa siendo una de las principales causas de consulta médica debido a la insuficiente eficacia de los tratamientos establecidos, y por ello surge la necesidad de buscar nuevas terapias que mejoren la respuesta analgésica.
La inyección intrarticular de toxina botulínica y/o de ozono medicinal son dos de las nuevas opciones a considerar en esta patología.
Realizamos en este capítulo una revisión del manejo de estas dos opciones analgésicas.

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Back to the future in the treatment of postoperative acute pain

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Splanchnic nerve block for the treatment of benign chronic abdominal pain. a case report and literature review

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Clinical pathophysiology in patients with sickle cell disease: the transition from acute to chronic pain

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Gender determinants in the approach to chronic pain

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Sociodemographic and clinical characterization in patients with chronic back pain, Cienfuegos 2019

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Spinal cord stimulation. Analysis of the diagnostic indications

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Suboccipital decompression as an alternative in the treatment of pain secundary to occipital neuralgia: a case series

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Symptomatic treatment for migraña. Drugs used and related variables. Results of the european survey on work and migraine

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Drug consumption used for musculoskeletal pain treatment in a cohort of blue-collar workers in Zaragoza (Spain)

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Clinical experience with the implementation of a postdural puncture headache multidisciplinary protocol

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Management of breakthrough pain associated with the cure of skin ulcers

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The ozone paradigm in pain treatment

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Conventional radiofrequency for genicular nerves in treatment of knee osteoarthritis

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Review of the impact of acupuncture treatment on the management of nonspecific low back pain

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Effectiveness of the association of lacosamide in trigeminal neuralgia

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Peripheral acting Mu opioid receptor antagonists in the treatment of the opioid-induced constipation: review

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Efficacy of pregabalin, gabapentin and duloxetine in neuropathic pain verified by the p-curve analysis

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News in the treatment of back pain: are the future cell therapies?

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Abducens nerve palsy associated with dural puncture and neurovascular compression

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Intratecal baclophene for the treatment of pain and spasticity in stiff man syndrome: a case report

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Neurolytic procedures for pancreatic cáncer pain: a systematic review and a proposal for an algorithm treatment

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Pyoderma gangrenosum, undocumented complication of a spinal cord stimulation

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NMDA antagonism in the treatment of cluster headache

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Characterization of pain in patients with breast cancer attending the Oncology Unit of the San José Hospital

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Information and communication technologies applied among medical professionals who perform pain treatment

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Sublingual fentanyl for the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain during allergic reactions to chemotherapy infusion

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Pulsed radiofrequency treatment in the neuropathy of the pudendal nerve: report of a case

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Does pregabalin is a safe drug? Heart failure associated with pregabalin

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Myofascial pain syndrome as a cause of postoperative acute pain in hip surgery

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Fast opioid detoxification

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Influence of psychosocial factors in the experience of musculoskeletal pain: a literatura review

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Project adapta: adequacy of treatment in breakthrough cancer pain

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Psychosocial factors in chronic cancer pain: a Delphi study

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American Headache Society for the treatment of cluster headache guidelines

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Dysphonia as side-effect dose-dependent during treatment with duloxetine

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Evidence-based recommendations for the management of neuropathic pain (review of the literature)

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Opinaudit study: clinical uses in breakthrough pain, is scientific evidence being followed up?

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Use of major opioids for control of pain in hospitalized patients

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Proctalgia and pudendal nerve entrapment: an association to know

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Radiofrequency thermal and splanchnics nerves block

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Implications of bioethics in the treatment of chronic pain: the change of paradigms

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Farmacologic adyuvants with saving effect of opioids in the perioperative period

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Platelet-rich plasma in treating peripheral neuropathic pain. Preliminary report

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Pain in the elderly and in patients with cognitive deficit. A DELPHI study

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Chrono study: prevalence of breakthrough pain among patients with non-cancer chronic pain in Andalusia, Spain

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Expenditure, prescription and consumption of analgesic drugs before and during the economic crisis

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Painometer v2®: a mobile application certified for monitoring patients with pain

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Analgesic efficacy of topical sevoflurane on wounds

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Potential uses of Mirtazapine in palliative care beyond its antidepressant effect

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Chronic pain: relationship with prefrontal symptoms and perceived stress

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The effectiveness of electrical spinal-cord stimulation in type i complex regional pain syndrome. A literature review

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Control of symptoms in terminally ill patients: effectiveness of opioid treatment for breakthrough dyspnea

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Paxiflas®: new FDT combination of tramadol/paracetamol for treating moderate to severe pain

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Prevalence of breakthrough pain associated with chronic low back pain in Andalusia (COLUMBUS study)

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Instrucciones para citar

Samper D. Intra-articular botulinum toxin and ozone in osteoarthritis. Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2021; 28(13): 73-79 / DOI: 1020986/resed20213857/2020

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ISSN: 1134-8046   e-ISSN: 2254-6189

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