Year 2018 / Volume 25 / Number 1


Prevalence of pain in patients hospitalized in Metabolic Intensive Care Units with orotracheal intubation and under sedation, measured with the COMFORT scale

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2018; 25(1): 7-12 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2017.3581/2017

P. E. García Ramírez, L. C. Valenzuela Molina, E. Zazueta Araujo, C. M. López Morales, R. Cabello Molina y P. Martínez Hernández Magro Medicina del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos. UCIM. Centro Médico del Noroeste. IMSS Ciudad Obregón. Sonora, México


Introduction: Pain is common in hospitalized patients in intensive care condition; however, it is underdiagnosed in patients who are unable to express it. Multiple scales have been validated worldwide to determine the level of pain in these patients; however there are a few trained personnel to apply them as well as lack of medical information about prevalence of pain in ICU.

Objectives: To determine prevalence of pain in hospitalized patients at the Metabolic Intensive Care Unit, with oral intubation and under sedation.

Methods: Cohort study, descriptive, observational and prospective. Including all patients hospitalized in UCIM with oral intubation plus sedation, fulfilling inclusion criteria.

Results: A total of 36 patients were included, 77.7 % were male. Age ranged between 18 and 71 years old with 51 in average and standard deviation of 14.05. 86 % of patients were
admitted for surgical pathology and 75 % were treated with analgesic combination therapy. Prevalence of pain measured with COMFORT scale was 69.4 %.

Conclusion: Prevalence of pain in our intubated patients under intravenous sedation is same to that reported in the literature, with level of sedation as a main factor associated to increase the presence of pain.

Key words: Pain, intensive therapy, intubation, sedation.

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P. E. García Ramírez, L. C. Valenzuela Molina, E. Zazueta Araujo, C. M. López Morales, R. Cabello Molina y P. Martínez Hernández Magro Medicina del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos. UCIM. Centro Médico del Noroeste. IMSS Ciudad Obregón. Sonora, México. Prevalence of pain in patients hospitalized in Metabolic Intensive Care Units with orotracheal intubation and under sedation, measured with the COMFORT scale. Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2018; 25(1): 7-12 / DOI: 1020986/resed20173581/2017

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