Year 2021 / Volume 28 / Number 5

Cilinical Note

Late onset of restless legs syndrome as a methadone withdrawal symptom in cancer patients: report of two cases

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor. 2021; 28(5): 298-300 / DOI: 10.20986/resed.2021.3889/2021

María Alejandra Herrera, Nora Marcela Mendoza, Alberto Fernández


Restless legs syndrome is a frequent sleep disturbance, which usually involves an urgent desire to move the legs, associated with an unpleasant sensation and periodic movements of the legs during sleep. Its pathophysiology has been widely studied and is still not completely clear, and it is currently understood that it is influenced by personality, genetic and environmental factors. In this paper we describe 2 cases in which the suspension of methadone treatment was considered strongly associated with the presentation of restless legs syndrome in patients without previous diagnosis of this syndrome.


El síndrome de piernas inquietas es una alteración del sueño frecuente, el cual involucra usualmente un deseo urgente de mover las piernas, asociado con una sensación displacentera y movimientos periódicos de las mismas durante el sueño. La fisiopatología de este síndrome ha sido ampliamente estudiada y aun no es completamente clara, entendiéndose en la actualidad que en el mismo influyen factores de la personalidad, genéticos y ambientales. En el presente escrito describimos 2 casos en los cuales la suspensión del tratamiento con metadona se consideró fuertemente asociada a la presentación de síndrome de piernas inquietas en pacientes sin diagnóstico previo del mismo.

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Instrucciones para citar

Herrera M, Mendoza N, Fernández A. Late onset of restless legs syndrome as a methadone withdrawal symptom in cancer patients: report of two cases. Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2021; 28(5): 298-300 / DOI: 1020986/resed20213889/2021

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