Año 2016 / Volumen 23 / Número 3

Revisión MBE

Efecto del plasma rico en plaquetas y/o factores de crecimiento sobre la regeneración y el dolor crónico asociado a discopatía intervertebral. Revisión sistemática

Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2016; 23(3): 145-153

H. Llano Conrado, J. R. Hernández Santos1, S. Tenopala Villegas2, C. P. Canseco Aguilar2 y J. C. Torres Huerta2 Médico Residente del curso de Algología. 1Jefe de Servicio y Profesor Titular de los cursos universitarios de Algología y Algología Intervencionistas. 2Médico adscrito y profesor adjunto curso universitario de Algología. Clínica de Dolor. Centro Médico Nacional Hospital 20 de Noviembre. Ciudad de México. México


Objective: To determine the effect of platelet-rich plasma and growth factors on regeneration and reduction of pain in degenerative disc disease.

Methods: Systematic review of the literature. The recommendations of the Cochrane Collaboration Cochrane outlined in the Handbook for Systematic Reviews of interventions was followed; randomized clinical trials preclinical and clinical phases which evaluated the effect of platelet-rich plasma or growth factors for degenerative disc disease between september 1/2013 to september 30/2014, published in PubMed, MEDLINE and LILACS were included.

Results: The initial search 11 items of which 3 met the selection criteria determined for this review were identified. Search strategy where citations related to the three main articles were reviewed was conducted. Of these only 6 met the selection criteria. Threw two articles in academic google search, leaving a total of 10 studies were included in the final analysis. In this review we include in the search not only those studies in vitro but also those studies in murine models and human study. From these studies, most of them were done in vitro (6), in animal models (2) and in humans (2). In those studies where this study was evaluated PRP and growth factors on cells or tissues of the intervertebral disc is selected alone. To know the effect these substances have to be evaluated in both preclinical and clinical studies. All studies reviewed agreed on the anti-inflammatory effect, repair, and even proliferator improvement in pain, vertebral discopathy.

Conclusions: The results of studies showing the anti-inflammatory effect, repair, and even proliferator improvement in pain, vertebral discopathy. None of them mention whether this increased matrix synthesis would lead to greater tissue fibrosis and further deterioration, so that studies in animals or humans should focus on evaluating increased monitoring, to assess late effects of therapy. Therefore we can conclude that the focus points of the present investigation should point to more understand the mechanism of disc degeneration
together with the benefits of PRP to treat it.

Key words: Chronic pain lumbar discogenic low, degeneration of intervertebral disc, platelet rich plasma and growth factors.

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H. Llano Conrado, J. R. Hernández Santos1, S. Tenopala Villegas2, C. P. Canseco Aguilar2 y J. C. Torres Huerta2 Médico Residente del curso de Algología. 1Jefe de Servicio y Profesor Titular de los cursos universitarios de Algología y Algología Intervencionistas. 2Médico adscrito y profesor adjunto curso universitario de Algología. Clínica de Dolor. Centro Médico Nacional Hospital 20 de Noviembre. Ciudad de México. México. Efecto del plasma rico en plaquetas y/o factores de crecimiento sobre la regeneración y el dolor crónico asociado a discopatía intervertebral. Revisión sistemática. Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2016; 23(3): 145-153

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© 2025 Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor
ISSN: 1134-8046   e-ISSN: 2254-6189

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